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/ 34 ratings

A great cross-platform file sharing app with many hidden gems

Dewmobile, Inc. |
updated on January 21, 2025
Download APK
22.8mb | free


Available in many languages
Free to use on all platforms
Share files without using your Internet connection
Group sharing
You can also share apps and contacts
Phone Replication is very useful to transfer all data to a new phone
Chat with your nearby friends and see through their camera


None that we could find
Price: $
If you ever wanted to share files but you had no Internet connection, you might have run into trouble! Sure, there is Bluetooth, but it's very slow and your phones need to be very close to each other. Several Android apps have tackled this issue so let's see how Zapya managed to deal with it!

Zapya is a free-to-use, cross-platform, file-sharing app. All of its features are available for free but you have to deal with ads. It supports 20 languages. There are three ways you can share files: you can create/join a group, create a QR which initiates the sending process as soon as it's scanned, or simply shake both phones to initiate sharing.

You can send virtually any file on your device. Also, you can send apps you have installed. Zapya packs them up and they can easily be installed on the receiver's phone. The photo, audio, and video browsers are great. The built-in file explorer is very useful and you can view files of the same type under one list. You can also share contacts easily!

Another useful feature is called Phone Replication. This enables you to easily transfer all files on your device to a new one. Not only you can share files, but you can also chat with nearby friends without using data! This can be done in groups as well. There is also a remote camera feature where you see what your friend sees on his camera.

Zapya is cross-platform and everything mentioned can be used to communicate with iOS devices, PC, and Mac. You can even use it as a wireless mouse after connecting it to your PC. Apps can also be installed all at once. Simply gather your APK files and choose the Install All option. This can really save time!
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


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